
Two years.

It has now been two years since our little baby joined our family. How can I try to describe my sweet and silly little boy?

The more time that passes the more his funny little personality develops. He loves being goofy and making himself laugh. He is a typical toddler boy, with a seemingly endless supply of energy that only fuels his sense of humor. Having an audience around makes him happy.

He is stubborn, particular, and incredibly independent. While his strong-will can drive us crazy at times, we know it will enable him to do and be great things in his life.

He loves to learn and is inquisitive about everything and anything. He has always been a little book-worm, and when he is quiet for a suspiciously long time, I will usually find him sitting in his room reading books to himself.

Above all, he has a big heart and is genuinely loving. He is a complete mama's boy, but always runs to greet his dad when he comes home. Often, while playing by himself, he will stop what he is doing and come give us hugs before heading right back to his toys. He is generous with his kisses and love yous, and continues to be the best little snuggler.

In ways I can't believe how fast these last two years have been; in ways it seems like he has always been a part of our little family.


  1. He is so cute! What are you guys doing for Christmas? If you're in UT, I'd love to get together and catch up and have our kids play -- I think they'd have a ball!

    1. I forgot your family is in UT now! That would be so fun to get together while you are here. It has been so long! We are going to Chicago for Christmas, but maybe our trips won't completely overlap and we can see each other before/after I am gone. Let me know when you know the dates you will be here, and hopefully we can make something work!

  2. Your post and these pictures are so cute! They remind me that I need to get out my real camera? The birthday looked awesome! Who did the Thompson portrait?

    1. Thanks! Trevor wanted me to tell everyone he drew it. Ha. But it was actually some free online website where you just put in a photo and it generates a sketch from it.

  3. Love it all!!! He's so stinking adorable. I'll never get over it.
