
A Quick Trip to LA and the IDA Awards

In December we headed to LA since Trevor's film was nominated for an IDA award. We were only there a few days, but it was a nice little vacation from life and from our crazy little boy, who stayed with Trevor's parents.

The hotel sponsoring the awards was this uber-hip place on Sunset Boulevard. You know, the type of hotel so modern that you don't actually know how to sit comfortably on the chairs. 

And the type of hotel that is so far beyond bottled water, it has moved on to boxed water.

And the type of hotel that pays a girl to sit in a box above their front desk. I wish I was kidding about this part. There was this glass box up above and behind the front desk. In it there was a bed, pillows, computer, and phone, and at night some girl gets paid to hang out in this little glass room. It is weird. Also, let me just say, it is only through Trevor's sheer determination to capture this strangeness that we have these pictures. They have security guys at the front, and any time they see any signs of a camera, they stop you from taking pictures. Apparently they want no documentation of box girl. Yeah, even weirder.

The IDA awards were at the Directors Guild of America. When we got their, we were told that we had to walk through a whole press line since Trevor's film was nominated. It was strange and made me realize how big of a deal this was for his film. It also made me never want to be famous (a big concern of mine, I know). Also, for those interested, one way to spot any legitimate press line is a cameraman who actually looks like a farmer.

Trevor's film didn't win. Boo. Some German kid took it. He made lots of good contacts though, and the awards show was really fun. There was a party afterwards, and despite some decent appetizers, we were like the 2nd ones to leave because it turns out parties like that are less fun if you aren't boozed up.

We had a late flight the next day, so we took some time to explore LA in a day. Which mostly meant we ate.

How can a trip not be great when you get to eat cheesecake stuffed french toast and butterscotch walnut pancakes?


  1. 1. That picture of you on the bean bag...incredible!!
    2. Box girl?...so strange...I'm still not over it
    3. Farmer camera man haha
    4. Cheesecake stuffed french toast???...my mouth is watering

  2. I have been waiting to see the girl in the glass box ever since you told me about it. Did not disappoint! So very, very weird. It sounds like a super fun trip.
