
Catching up...which is actually just a nice way of saying I have been a failure at keeping up with this blog the last few months.

Despite the lack of any major posts and my use of back dating captured posts to make it look like I am somewhat keeping up with things, I am definitely guilty of some serious blog neglect. Which is not at all because there hasn't been anything blog-worthy going on, especially with our LA trip, Chicago trip, and Christmas all in the last few months. Really it just is my blog laziness. I was going to forgo blogging about the above mentioned events until my mom told me she saw my little brother checking our blog the other day. She asked if it was updated, and he said, "no, not yet, I just wanted to look at it, even if they are old pictures, because Thompson is so cute and I miss him so much". Even if December feels like forever ago, I will still blog about it for my little bro. And for all the other (and by other I mean like 2) family members/friends who actually care about the barrage of old photos that I am about to post. So be prepared for some serious updating. Hopefully. Maybe. Possibly.


  1. I like the blog pictures too. :)

    I was thinking about you today. Wow. I just haven't seen you in FORVER! I'm glad everything is going great for you.

  2. We look forward to it as well.
