
Spiders shouldn't be allowed to exist.

Here's a horrifying story for you.

Yesterday I was taking a shower while Thompson played in the bathroom by me. When I finished, I got out to dry off, and looked down to see what my little boy was up to.

And then I screamed. Because when I looked down, instead of just seeing his cute little smiley self, I saw a GIANT spider crawling across his cute little smiley self. Not some tiny little thing, one of those huge, hairy, nasty guys. The kind I normally make Trevor deal with because they creep me out. Trevor was at work though, and this spider was crawling ON MY BABY. I don't like touching spiders with my bare hands, but I guess my maternal protectiveness outweighed any disgust because without thought I went to get this spider off my child. When I went to flick it off his tummy, the spider ran up his chest, back to his neck, and started crawling down his shirt.

At this point, I was screaming again. I was also dripping water all over my child because I hadn't dried off. The poor boy had a look of terror in his eyes, not from the the spider, but from seeing his mom act all crazy. I thought back to the 5th grade when we learned about brown recluse spiders and how my teacher showed us nasty pictures of people who had been bitten by one and how I was afraid of any spider I saw for like a year after that. What if it was a brown recluse on my baby? What if I angered it by flicking it and it was going to bite him now? Irrational thoughts - maybe. Being a mom makes you irrational sometimes. While I thought all this, I grabbed Thompson and knocked the spider off just before it disappeared under his shirt. Then I smashed it a million times under the rug and calmed down my baby.

I am not afraid of spiders normally, there was just something about one crawling on my little boy that really freaked me out. I made Trevor spray for spiders the second he came home. If spiders have to exist in this world, at least they shouldn't exist in my house. 

1 comment:

  1. That really is horrifying. Really. I almost threw up reading that.
