
A Quick Visit to Chicago

Over memorial day weekend we got to go out to Chicago for my sisters wedding. I was excited to see my family, but less excited about the 3+ hour flight. Thompson isn't really the hold-still-in-your-lap-type of kid. Despite this, he did great for his first plane trip and even fell asleep in my lap as we were taking off. By the end of the day though, he was exhausted and ready for some snuggles from his grandma. 

After a nap on the way home from the airport, he was ready to play with his cousin Ethan and uncle Jonathan.

It was amazing how much fun he seemed to have in a crazy noisy house. He would just sit and watch the other boys play all day. Sorry kid, you won't be getting a sibling anytime soon.

We were only there for the long weekend and it was a little busy with all the wedding stuff going on, but we loved every minute. I even found time for the outlet mall, Steak n' Shake, and Panera (Portillo's - I am coming for you at christmas time). These are the foundations of any good trip back to the Naperville. And of course there was lots of time with the fam. Even though he hasn't spent a lot of time with them, Thompson seems to have a special place in his heart for my family and always warms up to them right away.

We were sad to leave them so soon. The only good part about leaving - an extra seat on the flight home! That was something we were all happy about.

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