
Christmas Fun

We had a great Christmas this year in Utah. It was our (my) first ever in Utah. And our first ever with a baby.

The day before Christmas Eve we opened presents from my parents. We even skyped them so they could see Thompson open his presents. Which was great because he was so excited about the whole ordeal. 

So excited he slept right thought it all, despite our best efforts to force some sort of response/interest.

On Christmas Eve we went down to Alpine to spend a few days with Trevor's family. Thompson was about as excited to open Christmas presents there as he was at our house. But he looked pretty cute in his Christmas PJs. 

He did enjoy his new presents once they were all opened though.

The rest of Christmas Day we went to both of Trevor's Grandparents. Thompson got to meet his great-great-grandma Emery, which is crazy because I only really knew one of my great-grandparents, let alone great-great-grandparents. She is 98 years old and loved holding Thompson. 

More family fun and togetherness. My personal favorite is the one of Trevor's brother wearing his new snowboarding ninja suit. Which is actually called a ninja suit and comes in a chinese take out box.

And it wouldn't be Christmas without some Anne-Geddes-style-using-your-child-as-a-prop-which-may-also-be-considered-child-abuse pictures, right? Look at that face. Pleading for help. Asking why we would ever do this to him for our own amusement.

Unfortunately the abuse didn't stop with the stocking. But doesn't he make a cute present?

More Christmas cuteness of the less traumatic variety.


  1. Hi Melissa ... it's Kalie from the ward. I hope you don't mind I found your blog through Andrea. But I'm so excited that I finally get to see your little man. He's such a cutie! I want to snuggle him. Enjoy the tiny-ness while it lasts ... they grow too fast! Kevin and I just watched the trailer for Trevor's movie. That's pretty impressive! Tell him congrats.

    p.s. our url is www.kkchamberlain.blogspot.com.

  2. I am glad you found our blog Kalie! Yes, the tinyness doesn't last for long, it's kind of sad. I am going to add your blog to my blog list so I can keep up on your cute family!
