
"Wright, party of two, your adventure is about to begin"

Not long after we got married we went to The Mayan. Anyone who has been there knows the awesomeness that going to that restaurant actually entails. The title of this post is a direct quote from the hostess as she called us back to our table. Looking back, I guess we really did have some adventures in store for us. Over the past few years, particularly the last year and a half, we have steadily been checking off all the requirements to becoming a typical little happy family. Graduate from college - check. Start graduate school - yes for both of us. Full time job and steady income - done and done. Buy a house and move to the big city of SL - yep. Have a baby - well not yet, but almost...give us until around November 4th. Really there was only one thing missing in our lives, and that was, of course, a blog. So feeling the pressure of that void, we caved and are entering the blogging world. Okay, maybe it is more to keep friends and family updated, to remind ourselves that we actually still have some fun and craziness left in us, and mostly, to show off our inevitably adorable baby when he gets here. Although much has changed since we first got married, I have a feeling we are on the verge of even greater changes in the months and years to come. Who knew the words of a hostess from an over-the-top theme restaurant could be be so prophetic and so fitting.


  1. Congratulations on baby and the new blog! It looks great! Hope all is going well for your cute family!

  2. Oh our blog is durrantfam.blogspot.com if you want to check it out!

  3. I'm glad you've hopped on the blogging bandwagon. It'll be fun keeping up with you two through your blog.

  4. Cute blog, We look forward to hearing more about your baby. Melissa, I know there aren't a lot of family members in SLC, but if you want to do a Cannon shower I would love to give you one!

  5. Melissa & Trevor,

    Melissa, You've always looked great but now you are looking greater. I like your new look and have a feeling you like it also. I hope you are feeling as well as you look!
    Obviously, your knight in shining armor is still shining for you.
    Congratulations to you both!
    With much love, Grandma LC Cannon
