
Life Lessons Not Learned

Tonight Trevor was trying to teach Thompson the concept of "sorry" and why we always ask him to say it when he does something wrong.

He discussed why we need to apologize when we make a bad choice, and then had the following conversation with him.

. . .

Trevor: Thompson, let's say you were frustrated at lunch time and threw some food down on the ground, even though you know you are not supposed to. Your mom asked you not to but you threw it anyways. What do you say?

Thompson: Peeeese!!! (Please)

Trevor: When you are asking for something, you say please. when you do something wrong, you say sorry.

Thompson: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.

Trevor: Yes, we do say sorry when we make a wrong choice. Can you show me how you can say sorry?

Thompson: {whispering at an almost imperceptibly quiet level} sorry.

Trevor: Good job. Now let's say you are upset and hit daddy, and it really hurts and gives him an owie. Then what do you say?

Thompson: {laughing, hitting Trevor repeatedly on the leg} "Hit Hit!"

Trevor: No, we don't hit. And if you make a wrong choice and do hit, you say sorry.

Thompson: {whispering at an almost imperceptibly quiet level} sorry.

. . .

We might need to have a few more talks about this one.


  1. Today at breakfast, Isaac said, "Mommy, come here. I want to hit you."

    "Why do you want to hit Mommy?" I asked.

    "Isaac wants bedroom time with the red ball."

    "Isaac, if you want to go play in your bed, you don't have to hit. You just ask Mommy. Say, 'Mommy, I want to play in my bed.' Okay?"

    "Mommy, Isaac want to hit Mommy."

    Mom fail.
